Hendrix Law
Excellence, Efficiency, Integrity, Connections

Hendrix Law is a law firm in Calgary, Alberta, servicing the Province of Alberta and the North West, Nunavut and Yukon Territories in Real Estate, Foreclosure and Wills and Estates Law. We are a member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau.
Paying prior mortgage arrears: Risks versus Rewards
As legal counsel to mortgage lenders, we are frequently asked by second or third mortgage lenders whether they should pay the arrears on a prior mortgage that is in default. Fundamentally, this is a business decision, not a legal one, but there are several factors that a mortgage lender should consider when making this decision. […]
Super Priority Lien Coverage – FCT
As always, Hendrix Law is working to protect our lenders from claims made by government authorities, namely, Revenue Canada, when exercising their super priority, now even over a discharged mortgage. This coverage will be added to all residential and commercial lending policies by our office. Extended Super Priority Lien Coverage_1-pager_ROC_EN_Final
Rapidly Evolving Expectations in the Housing Market – Mortgage Professionals Canada
An excellent article from Mortgage Professionals Canada and summary Please note the disclaimer in the report. 2020-report-1—infographic-e https://mortgageproscan.ca/docs/default-source/consumer-reports/rapidly-evolving-expectations-in-the-housing-market—report-1-august-2020-en.pdf
Find Us
#500, 707 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada
T2P 3H6
Contact Us
Phone: (403) 269-9400
Fax: (403) 266-2447
Email: dhendrix@hendrixlaw.ca