Hendrix Law
Excellence, Efficiency, Integrity, Connections

Hendrix Law is a law firm in Calgary, Alberta, servicing the Province of Alberta and the North West, Nunavut and Yukon Territories in Real Estate, Foreclosure and Wills and Estates Law. We are a member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau.
First Mortgage Protection for Second Mortgagees from FCT!
We are pleased to advise that First Canadian Title Insurance has, at our request, made available the Attached Mortgage Priority Endorsement for Second Mortgagees. The cost is $75.00 but the value is priceless. You can either add this endorsement directly through FCT’s website after you select the second mortgage priority in ordering your title […]
Mortgage Awards of Excellence
Nominations are now open – click here – to nominate your preferred nominee! https://mae.awardsplatform.com/
Blended, not stirred? Section 6 of the Interest Act
In our foreclosure practice, we occasionally encounter borrowers who think they’ve stumbled upon a way to get rid of get rid of the interest on their mortgages. We are happy to set them straight, and the courts are on our side. The issue is the application of Section 6 of the Interest Act, federal legislation […]
Find Us
#500, 707 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada
T2P 3H6
Contact Us
Phone: (403) 269-9400
Fax: (403) 266-2447
Email: dhendrix@hendrixlaw.ca